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In Faust, Goethe gives the Lord a certain affection for Mephistopheles and he openly concedes to him: I have never hated your kind. Between the spirits that deny, the spirit of cunning and malice displeases me the least of all. The activity of man relaxes too often; he is prone to laziness, and I like to see him as an active, worried companion, and who even can create as needed, like the devil.
It does not take more to reconsider the hidden face of angels, more ambivalent than one imagines and that would seem to be equivalent to the luminous part of the creatures said of the night. The fabric is woven of the same material, the warp and weft are otherwise arranged to reflect rays of darker light. Goethe describes this devil complicit of the Lord, and rival of the little God who is charged with the world, and of which he complains in these terms to the Lord: "The little god of the world is still of the same temper and weird as in the first day. "
The doors of our world are wide open to angelic creatures, fallen perhaps, but not unhappy to be. More human in a word, freedom stays on their side.
These creatures were happy to pose for this series of sculptures that some have already tried to disqualify on the art scene, dealing with devilry.

One constant is the fight: wrestlers, sumos, inner combat, we find other biblical symbols like the snake, and Eve offered

Faust / Prologue in the sky


THE LORD, THE CELESTIAL MILITIS, then MEPHISTOPHELES. The three archangels advance.

The sun resonates on the ancient mode in the harmonious choir of spheres, and its orderly course is accomplished with the rapidity of lightning.
Its appearance gives strength to the angels, although they can not penetrate it. The wonders of Creation are inexplicable and beautiful as on its first day.
The earth, trimmed, turns on itself with incredible speed. She passes from the pure day of Eden to the frightful darkness of the night.
The foaming sea beats with its broad waves the foot of the rocks, and rocks and seas are carried away in the eternal circle of the worlds.
The storm rises from the land to the seas and seas to the land, and girds them with a furious jolt; the lightning strikes a light path in front of the lightning. But, above, your messengers, Lord, adore the peaceful glow of your day.
Its appearance, etc.

Master, since once you come closer to us, since you want to know how things are going down, and that you usually like your interview, I come to you in this crowd. Forgive me if I express myself with less solemnity: I am afraid to be booed by the company; but the pathos in my mouth would make you laugh, assuredly, if for a long time you had not lost the habit. I have nothing to say about the sun and the spheres, but I only see how much the men torment themselves. The little god of the world is still of the same temper and bizarre as in the first day. He would live, I think, more properly, if you had not hit his brain with a ray of celestial light. He has named this reason, and employs it only to govern himself more stupidly than animals. It looks (if your Lordship allows it) to these long-legged cicadas, who go off jumping and flitting in the grass, singing their old song. And if he still stayed in the grass! but no, he must go nose up against all the piles of manure.
Do you have anything more to tell us? will you ever come to complain? and according to you, is there nothing good on earth?
Nothing, Lord: everything goes perfectly wrong, as always; men make me pity in their days of misery, to the point that I am aware of tormenting this poor species.
Do you know Faust?
The doctor ?
My servant.
Without a doubt. This one serves you in a strange way. In this madman nothing earthly, not even drink and eat. His mind always rides in spaces, and he himself realizes half of his madness. He asks heaven for his most beautiful stars and for the earth his most sublime joys; but nothing, from near or far, is enough to calm the tempest of his desires.
He seeks me ardently in the darkness, and I soon want to lead him to the light. In the green shrub, the gardener already distinguishes the flowers and fruits that will develop in the following season.
Do you want to bet that one, will you lose it again? But let me choose the means to gently train him in my ways.
As long as he lives on earth, you are allowed to induce him into temptation. Every walking man can go astray.
Thank you. I like to deal with the living. I like cheeks full and fresh. I'm like the cat, who does not care about dead mice.
That's good, I allow it. Spread this spirit from its source, and lead it in your way, if you can; but be confounded, if you must recognize that a good man, in the confused tendency of his reason, knows how to distinguish and follow the narrow way of the Lord.
He will not follow her for long, and my wager has nothing to fear. If I succeed, you will allow me to triumph at your leisure. I want him to eat the dust with delight, like the Serpent my cousin.
You can always present yourself here freely. I have never hated your kind. Between the spirits that deny, the spirit of cunning and malice displeases me the least of all. The activity of man relaxes too often; he is prone to laziness, and I like to see him as an active, anxious companion, and who can even create, if need be, like the devil. But you, the true children of heaven, rejoice in the living beauty where you swim; May the power that lives and operates eternally keep you in the sweet barriers of love, and know how to strengthen in your enduring thoughts the vague and changing pictures of Creation.

The sky closes, the archangels separate.

I like to visit the Old from time to time and I do not want to break up with him. It is very well, on the part of such a great person, to speak to the devil himself with so much good humor.

Gérard de Nerval Translation

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